1. Our health should be our top priority
  2. We are ALL globally connected
  3. Time off will allow you to reflect, set new goals, establish better family dynamics and think about some extracurricular activities you would like to do that you otherwise don’t have time for.
  4. Limiting social contact allows us to connect inwards vs outward.
  5. Accepting that unforeseen changes will happen.
  6. Learning to problem solve, create new habits and not fall into the “victim” and “excuse” mentality ‍


– Pick up an old/new hobby

– Create structure in your day by journaling

-Still get dressed and ready for the day, even if you have no where to go

– Indoor exercise – Try YouTube at home workouts!

– Walk outside or learn about nature with your kids

– Prepare and cook healthy meals with your family

– Play board games, read books, finish a puzzle

– Encourage new conversations and questions to get to know others

– Call or FaceTime a family member or old friend

– Virtual museum tours like this one: https://www.travelandleisure.com/attractions/museums-galleries/museums-with-virtual-tours

Who doesn't bear the scars of enforced family time? - Telegraph

Ways To Keep Yourself & Your Family Healthy During This Time

1.  Manage stress: While there is quite a bit of uncertainty during this time, do your very best to NOT live in fear or have anxiety about the situation. Keep yourself informed but distance yourself from mass hysteria in order to not get wrapped up in the fear response. Have you ever heard of fight or flight? It is well documented that our immune system shuts down during times of high stress. Yes, this is a serious matter that requires attention, but we are able to use our intellect to make better decisions when we are levelheaded. Mindfulness and meditation are supremely helpful in relieving stress and helping us clear our minds to think clearly.

2. Get plenty of rest, fresh air & movement. Fresh air is vital to a healthy immune system. Many of us are currently working from home-try to make it a point to get outside for 10 minutes a few times per day. Sleep is also crucial to healthy immune function. Studies have shown that people who are sleep deprived have similar changes in immune function as those who have a cold/flu. Movement is essential in supporting a good immune function. Just 20 minutes of exercise each day boosts the feel-good hormones which decreases cortisol levels in the body. Lower cortisol levels mean less inflammation.

3. Avoid inflammatory foods or those foods that you are sensitive to: Highly inflammatory foods like gluten and dairy may wreak havoc on your immune system. You probably do not want to give your immune system another task to do right now. You want your immune system ready for action and not reacting to gluten, dairy, soy or other foods that are problematic for you.

4. What you eat makes a difference: Your immune system requires adequate nutrients in order to function properly. Increase your intake of brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, raspberries, spinach, arugula, sprouts, garlic, onions, ginger, parsley, cilantro, cabbage. Brightly colored foods are filled with antioxidants which may prevent viral binding and inflammation.

5. Avoid Processed Foods: As tempting as it may be to soothe our anxiety with comfort foods such as pizza, pasta, and pastries this can often weaken our immune system and suppress it for up to 6 hours. Particularly processed foods such as refined carbohydrates and sugars should be avoided and instead replaced with FRESH fruits and vegetables.

6. Your decisions matter: I cannot stress this enough! – Be wise and discerning about your lifestyle practices and choices. There are things that you can do that will boost immunity and things that you can do that will diminish it. Make smart choices. If you can stay home from work or refrain from social contact, please do. You may feel like your immune system is strong but others around you might not. It is our social responsibility to take care of others as well as ourselves.

7. Stay hydrated: Drinking lots of quality water and herbal teas are important in order to remain hydrated and healthy. Flushing toxins out of your body will help to support your immune system. Our bodies are made up of 70% water on average, all of our organs and glands depend on water to function properly. Okay but how much water should we be drinking? Studies show that half your body weight in ounces is needed to sustain optimal function. However, this means pure water and non caffeinated tea only. Anything that has caffeine or added ingredients such as coffee or soda counts AGAINST our daily intake.


Vitamin D – 5000 IU to 10, 000 IU per day. Dosing is individual, but aggressive dosing short term supports the immune system.

OMEGAS- Not only are fish oils great at reducing inflammation and supporting cardiac function, but if taken in conjunction with Vitamin D, will actually help the body absorb and utilize vitamin D more efficiently.

Vitamin C-a lack of vitamin C is known to increase our susceptibility to infections. Did you know that humans and guinea pigs are the only mammals that do not produce their own Vitamin C? We need to get Vitamin C from food because our adrenal glands use it up when we are stressed. A higher level of Vitamin C in our bodies mean a healthier and happier immune system.

Chiropractic Adjustments- Getting an adjustment does so much more than just help with chronic neck or back pain. A chiropractic adjustment supports our nervous system by clearing out any nerve interference from brain to body, we call that interference a subluxation. By removing that nerve interference, we then allow a properly working nervous system which will in turn then support our immune function to its best ability!

** The information in this blog is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease**

Less stress with chiropractic care

Congratulations! You breezed past November and took on December like a champion. Sure, you may have over indulged a little too much during the past two hectic holiday months, but that’s what the season is for. Don’t worry because now is the time to get back on track!During the holidays, your body takes a huge beating with traveling, shopping, and even over eating. That is why it is MOST important to re-establish a self-care and wellness routine can help restore and rejuvenate your system in the new year.

Here are some tips on how establish a sense of normalcy again.

Clear your space of clutter. Start your post holiday routine by taking down holiday decorations. Holiday decor not only takes up physical space but it can trigger emotions and memories, both good and bad. De-cluttering especially after the holidays can help establish a sense of accomplishment , plus it will help make spring cleaning a breeze!

Restore your body with hydration. The holidays can bring on an excessive amount of sugar and alcohol. Sometimes during the holidays, keeping up with drinking enough water can fall to the wayside. Staying hydrated is a natural way to flush and detox your system. Increasing your water intake after the holidays can provide muscle and joint flexibility, improve cardiovascular health and sharpen your concentration.

Make sleep a priority. The holidays wait for no one. Between hosting parties, attending events and prepping for the holidays, you might find yourself not getting enough sleep. Get back into a routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time. Also, you an try limiting your screen time before hitting the pillow. Blue light glasses or filters on your phone an hour or two before bed can be a huge help too! Getting enough sleep can help reduce stress, lower the risk for diabetes, and heart disease and increase endurance.

Now that you have cleaned your mental and physical space, it’s important to revisit your daily or weekly routine that was in place prior to the holiday season! Hop back on the exercise train again, and be sure to schedule your appointments for regular chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic adjustments help clear your nervous system of extra stress on the body. Once the subluxation is removed you will feel more energized, and your immune system will be able to function at it’s best. Chiropractic adjustments actually increase resilience of the nervous system’s ability to adapt to stress. Getting back into a self-care routine is beneficial mentally, emotionally and physically. YOUR BODY WILL THANK YOU.

If you haven’t been in since before the holidays or are feeling a little extra stressed, please give us a call at 515-278-9678 we would love to see you in the office this year.

Travel Tips for Stress-Less Holiday Travel

The holidays are a time to travel and visit loved ones. But the truth of the matter is, travel can be stressful not only on your body, but also your mind and your spine. We will give tips and tricks on how to keep your immune system, mind and body healthy during the holiday season. Whether you’re catching a flight, jumping on a train, or taking a road trip, keep these tips in mind for stress- less holiday travel.

Keep these tips in mind for stress- less holiday travel

Immune System

Don’t forget the Vitamins. Make sure you are taking vitamin D, vitamin C and multi-vitamin as well as Omega’s and a daily probiotic to keep your immune system in tip top shape during the holiday season.

Avoid setting your bags down in public restrooms. While you might think that the toilet is the germiest spot in the place, it’s actually the floors! Instead look for the hooks on the wall or door to hang your bags instead of setting them on the floor.

Wash your hands regularly…don’t forget the kids. Sounds like common sense, but it’s easy to forget when you’re on the move. Frequent hand washing will help reduce the amount of germs on your hands. Studies have shown that frequent hand washers have fewer cold and flu symptoms.

Watch sugar intake. It’s a celebratory time of the year, but it’s important to keep an eye on too many sweet treats. Just two cans of soda can weaken white blood cells’ ability to kill germs by 40 percent!

Keep your spine in line! Proper spinal alignment not only helps you feel fine, but also gives you an immune boost. Regular chiropractic adjustments can boost your immune system by 200%!!!!

Mental Health

*Take a moment to breathe* It can be easy to get a little stressed out during the holidays, especially if you are traveling. Deep breathing techniques can help slow heartbeat, stabilize blood pressure and circulate more oxygen throughout the body. Try some diaphragmatic breathing techniques (previously published blog) before you take off and land, which can help keep you feeling calm and relaxed.

Practice Gratitude. The holidays are about so much more than just presents. Be mindful of where you are and who you’re with, the sights, sounds and smells of the holiday. Stay present and relax in the company of the friends and family around you. If you stay present and feel grateful for the time you get to spend with friends and family- you’ll stress less.

Get enough Sleep– It can be hard to sleep in a different place if you are traveling for the holidays, but it is SO important so get 6-8 hours even during the holidays. Our bodies cells actually talk to each other and repair when you are sleeping. The holidays can be taxing if you are traveling, so you need to get enough to sleep to counter the extra stress.

Physical Health

ICE ICE BABY. Dreading a long flight due to back stiffness? Plan ahead and pack a gallon size zip-lock bag in your purse or carry on bag. Once you take flight and get settled the flight attendants will be around to offer beverages. Get your zip-lock-bag out and ask for ICE to put in the bag for your back. Using ice on the flight will reduce inflammation which will prevent post flight stiffness and soreness.

Bring your own pillow. If you’re flying or using public transportation, you can rest easy knowing your pillow is clean and ready to go. Also, if you’re staying at a friend or family members home, you can never really predict what someone else’s bed or couch is going to do to your back. An ergonomic pillow designed for better sleep posture can make a huge difference.

Don’t put things in your back pockets. If you’re sitting for a long period of time, keep posture in mind. Your wallet, cellphone or other devices stored in your pants pocket can cause unbalanced sitting posture, throwing off the alignment of your hips and spine. The sciatic nerve lives in that region and can become impinged if you are placing items on top of it and sitting for hours at a time.

Use a rolling suitcase. We know how heavy those suitcases can get around the holiday season. Don’t risk a lifting injury! Instead of carrying al that weight on one side of your body, while booking through the airport, try investing in a rolling suitcase if possible. A rolling suitcase can vastly increase your ease of travel and decreases your risk of injury.

Schedule a homecoming visit with your chiropractor Even if you take precautions, travel can be incredibly hard on the body. Fear not- we are here to help! When you return home, schedule an appointment with your chiropractor they’ll be able to address any travel-induced pain and discomfort you may have. It’s a great idea to stop in right before and after traveling for a spinal tune up.

If you need to get in to see us before the holiday season give us a call at 515-278-9678 to get scheduled today!

Yost Family Chiropractic can help keep you on your feet this winter season!

When winter weather arrives, it’s time to protect yourself from the hazards that can accompany the cold. Slips, trips, and falls are more frequent due to icy conditions. Back injuries from falling on ice are likely to occur. Need some help to avoid this or advice on what to do if it does happen- Yost Family Chiropractic can help!

How Common are Back Injuries From Falling On Ice?

According to the National Institutes of Health, back injuries from falling on ice were the most common fall related injury, outnumbering ankle, wrist or hip injuries. With statistics like that, avoiding falls becomes a top priority! Almost all back injuries involve strains of the deep muscles of the back. An acute injury refers to something that happens suddenly and gets better over time, whereas a chronic injury is a long-term condition. Following a fall, you should keep track of your pain level, because that if it goes above and beyond general aches and pains you may need imaging to rule out a fracture. The spine is a complex structure that provides both mobility and strength to your body. When there is an injury to the spine such as a fall, common activities such as bending, twisting or stretching often become painful.

According to the National Institutes of Health, back injuries from falling on ice were the most common fall related injury, outnumbering ankle, wrist or hip injuries.

What to do after falling on your back?

Most acute back injuries should get better within a few days. If the pain persists longer than that, you should be evaluated by your chiropractor or a physician right away. If you fall on your back and experience severe pain that makes breathing or standing difficult, you should have a thorough examination by a chiropractor immediately.  A thorough evaluation will reveal any specific structural problem like a misalignment or nerve irritation, which we can correct. Adjustments are used in conjunction with a basic exercise program focusing on stretching, strengthening, and conditioning of the back and leg muscles. For those who have risk factors like thinning of the bones or osteoporosis, a fall on ice might pose a serious threat. If you fit this category, use extreme caution when traveling outdoors in icy conditions.

Three Tips for Preventing Ice Related Falls

Implement the following tips for a safer winter:

  1. Wear appropriate footwear. Soles that are sturdy and grip the ground will give you stability.
  2. Keep sand or de-icer in your car for slippery parking lots or streets where you might have to park your car.
  3. Use caution, and slow down. Don’t hurry!
Wear appropriate footwear. Soles that are sturdy and grip the ground will give you stability.

Back Pain Injury From Falls; what to expect

Symptoms of back injury from falling involve pain. This can occur to varying degrees depending on the extent of the injury and can affect different parts of the spine. Back injuries from falling on ice commonly fall into one of two categories:

  1. Lower back injury. Lower back or tailbone injury occurs when falling backwards onto the backside. An injury to the tailbone can be quite painful and also be accompanied by swelling and bruising.
  2. Upper back or neck injury. This can be attributed to muscle or ligament strains that occur during a fall.
  3. Can have both- sometimes following a slip and fall you can have an increase in BOTH neck and lower back pain depending on the mechanism of injury during the fall itself.
Symptoms may include muscle aches, shooting or stabbing pains, pain that radiates down the legs, and limited flexibility of the back or neck.

Treatment Options for Back Injuries

Fortunately, you can take the above measures to prevent or relieve back pain episodes. If prevention fails, then chiropractic treatment and proper body mechanics often will heal your back and keep it functional. Here at Yost Family Chiropractic we not only treat the structure of the spine itself, but we also treat the soft tissue such as muscles and ligaments that surround the bones. We can’t promise that you will never have a slip or fall, but we can promise you faster healing afterwards! For more information call us today at 515-278-9678 to speak with our office or get a consultation scheduled with one of our doctors. You can even send us as email at info@yostfamilychiropractic.com

3 Simple Tips to Prevent Back Injuries

When it comes to avoiding back injuries, your fate is largely in your own hands. It’s true that an unexpected fall or auto accident may cause an injury that’s beyond your control, but a large percentage of back injuries are caused by your own actions, which means you can take measures to prevent them or stop them from getting worse. While its important to maintain spinal alignment with regular adjustments, what you do outside of the office is equally important! Here are a few tips for avoiding back injuries on your own.


Whether you are lifting weighs or boxes, books, babies, or just about anything else, they all have an impact on the health of your spine. When you lift correctly your spine is in proper alignment and there is no added stress placed on your back. The proper way to lift means you should bend your knees and keep your back as straight as possible when you pick anything up off the floor. This going for bending down to put on socks or shoes as well.

If you have a lot of lifting to do try to place items on a table or chair so there isn’t as much bending needed. Your back is not designed to work like a crane so anytime you use it that way you are putting tons of stress on your back that doesn’t need to be there. Try using a balanced stance, with your legs a little wider apart, lift with your legs and move your feet if you need to change direction while holding the object.


Performing activities with your spinal alignment in mind is a great way to help you avoid back injuries in the first place. That means stretching before any type of physical activity, taking it slow if you have a lot of repetitive lifting to do, and even taking breaks to rest and stretch during the activity or prolonged periods of time in one position such as a desk job. Posture breaks are a great way to stay mindful of your posture throughout the day. Try setting an alarm on your watch or phone to go off once an hour during your workday to remind you to unwind your shoulders, get up and do a few stretches for 1 minute an hour. At the end of an 8 hour workday, you’ve taken 8 minutes out of your busy day to prevent a back injury.

Sleeping on a supportive firm mattress is another way to keep your spine in line between adjustments. Side sleeping with a supportive pillow is what our doctors recommend here at YFC. Getting yourself in good physical shape also protects your back and helps to avoid injuries. This includes strengthening core muscles as well as back muscles which will make lifting and general movement less stressful on your back.


If you end up with a back injury despite your efforts to avoid it, you should seek treatment with a chiropractor as soon as you can. Spinal misalignment, bulging discs, herniated discs, and other injuries often only get worse if you let them linger without treatment. Prompt treatment will restore blood flow to the area, relieve any compressed nerves and get you back to normal in the shortest time possible. At Yost Family Chiropractic our team is here to help answer your questions.  Please feel free to contact us today at 515-278-9678.

Decrease stress by using your breath

Feeling Stressed? It’s normal to feel overwhelmed sometimes, but too much stress can throw a wrench in your overall health and wellness. Being in fight or flight mode more than 20% of the time can lead to mental health problems, increased risk of cardiovascular disease and even poor gut health…. which in turn, heightens levels of stress! Staying hydrated, eating healthy meals and routine chiropractic care all help in the long term, but what can you do right now to manage your stress and anxiety?

Most people are breathing the wrong way and don’t even realize it. As a chiropractor, while observing the general population, what we notice is that most people are using their chest and shoulders to breath instead of the diaphragm. Go ahead…TRY IT! Take a BIG deep breath in and blow it all the way out; did your shoulders move? If you’ve ever watched a baby breathe you will notice they don’t move their shoulders at all, but instead breath with their BELLIES. The proper way to breathe without stressing your neck and shoulder muscles is called diaphragmatic breathing.

How-To: Diaphragmatic Breathe

This relaxation style deep breathing technique helps slow the heartbeat, stabilize blood pressure and get more oxygen circulating throughout the body. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Sit or lay comfortably making sure your spine is straight and most importantly that your head and neck are relaxed.
  2. Put one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach just above your belly button.
  3. Inhale slowly through your nose for a count of 4 seconds, so that your stomach pushes against your hand. Now the hard part-try to keep the hand on your chest as still as possible.
  4. Breathe out slowly through your mouth for 5 seconds by tightening your stomach muscles. Again, trying to keep the hand on your stomach still.
  5. Repeat for several minutes.
Relaxation Breathing Technique

This type of breathing should be practiced daily starting with just 2 minute per day and working up to 30 minute sessions- eventually your brain convert your “normal” breathing pattern to diaphragmatic breathing resulting in less stress and a feeling of overall relaxation. This technique is great for both adults and kids that struggle with stress or anxiety. If you have any questions or concerns about this, feel free to talk to the doctors next time you’re in the office or schedule a free consultation today at 515-278-9678

To ice, or not to ice? That is the question.

There seems to be a lot of confusion when it comes to the HEAT or ICE debate. I am going to help explain the proper usage of ice vs heat today. I want to start out by saying this recommendation is a rule of thumb, as there are always exceptions to every rule.

ICE- You typically want to reach into the freezer and grab an ice pack anytime you are dealing with a new injury (less than 72 hours). Cold restricts blood flow and reduces inflammation and swelling. Whenever there’s bleeding in underlying tissue—think sprains, strains or bruising—ice treatment is the way to go. You also want to reach for ice when there is inflammation present.

Inflammation is characterized by five cardinal signs:

  • Redness
  • Heat or warmth
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Loss of function

Aches and pains can feel a lot better after using ice for 10-15 minutes, with an hour break in between icing sessions. If you have bad circulation, then cold therapy probably isn’t for you. If you apply ice for too long or directly touching the skin- tissue or nerve damage becomes a possibility. 

Heat- heat is the best method for relaxing tight and sore muscles. Whereas ice restricts blood vessels, heat opens them, increasing blood flow to an affected area. This is perfect for most aches and pains, and it’s also great for repairing damaged tissue since increased blood flow stimulates healing. Stiffness and tension can usually be relieved with about 15-20 minutes of heat therapy. Do not feel the burn…when using heat therapy, you want to keep a nice, even warmth. Remember, if you have ANY swelling or bruising, heat isn’t the right call.

But can you use both? Absolutely- However, as I mentioned above, it is important to use ice during the first 48-72 hours immediately following an injury- after that you may alternate between ice and heat every few hours. The rule of thumb is 15 minutes on, 1 hour off when cycling between ice and heat.

Ice and Heat can be used together to manage headaches at home

Headaches- Some conditions such as headaches respond very well to both heat and ice on different areas of the head and neck. Heat and cold are no risk therapies that anyone can use for headache relief. Let’s talk about using heat first. Heating tight muscles can help relieve a tension type headache, if the small muscles in the back of the head get too tight, (which is a very common cause of headaches). You can start by applying a little heat to the base of the head and neck for 10-15 minutes. Alternatively, for those pulsing, nasty headaches, ice the temples to fight inflammation and relieve throbbing.

Long Term Solution- When it comes to injuries caused by physical activity-cold and heat are very beneficial, but they’re not long-term solutions. A healthy musculoskeletal system is critical to overall health and healing, affecting how the entire body functions. Regular adjustments of the spine help return the body to a normal state by reducing tension as well as pain by activating the body’s natural healing process. Choosing chiropractic as the first line of defense once injured decreases the likelihood surgery and further injury.

Call Yost Family Chiropractic today at 515-278-9678 to book a consultation to talk to our doctors or to schedule your new patient exam.

Tired of dealing with headaches and neck pain?

When you’re in pain, it can take away from every single part of your life.

We know how hard it can be, and at Yost Family Chiropractic we’re here to help you. Let’s run through it together starting with why you’re in pain, what’s causing it, and what you can do.

What is causing my neck pain?

Have you been in a recent car accident? Do you work a desk job or study too much? Maybe you text a lot and you’re constantly looking down at your phone. Depending on the cause, neck pain can come in a variety of different forms and severities, from nerve impingement to whiplash or chronic postural problems leading to structural changes. If you’re reading this blog, chances are you know this kind of pain already, and it’s not just a pain in the neck. It affects the shoulders and can even cause headaches. The pain may be relative to one spot, or it can radiate to different parts of your upper body, including the arms. You may also experience occasional numbness, muscle weakness and decreased ROM.

Here are some common causes of neck pain and headaches

  • Poor Posture/Daily Habits
  • Injuries and Whiplash
  • Motor Vehicle or Work Place Accidents
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease

What can you do at home to help?

Here’s how you can start feeling better right now.

Stretches– Tuck your chin back over the notch above your sternum, so that your ear is line with the tip of your shoulder. You want to do as many of these as possible- my recommendation is aiming to do 10 every hour. Setting an alarm on your phone or watch to take posture breaks is very helpful. A great time to incorporate these are your daily routine- whenever you are in a car or even in the shower.

Perform these 10 times every hour and hold for 5 seconds.

Ice– For tension and muscle soreness, ice therapy is a great form of pain relief, and here’s why. Cold restricts blood flow and reduces inflammation as well as swelling. But keep in mind, too much cold can hurt you. Don’t put bags of ice or packs directly on the skin as that could risk tissue. Instead, cover it in a towel and set it on the area. Ice the neck area no more than 10-15 minutes at a time and take hour breaks in between ICE sessions.

Neck Orthotic– The use of a neck orthotic is used to correct poor posture and restore the curve of the cervical spine. We often refer to this as “braces for the spine”. The top of the orthotic is used as a fulcrum- by placing the tip of the triangle at the base of the neck, or as low as you can go. You then lean your head and neck over the top, as shown below. Consistency is key! It is important to recognizance that correcting the cervical curve is a process not an event.

Start with 30 seconds then add 15-30 seconds per day until you are doing 10-15 minutes every day.

Essential Oils– Many people find success using essential oils topically when they’ve got sore or strained muscles. There any MANY kinds of oils to choose from, it’s worth looking into for natural pain relief that works. Another helpful topical is BIO-FREEZE, which uses the active ingredient menthol to cool sore muscles on contact.

Proper Neck Pillow– The kind of pillow you use could either facilitate healing, or straining your neck. Look for one that’s made of firmer foam and materials that press back, effectively supporting the head. It’s also crucial that your pillow contours to your head, neck and shoulders, offering built-in cervical support.

It’s time to invest in a quality pillow.

When that is not enough- Fixing the ROOT problem

The tips listed above will help you manage your symptoms, and they’re good for temporary pain relief, but they won’t truly fix anything. In order to eliminate your symptoms for good, treatment needs to address the root cause of the problem. Constant stress can affect the cervical spine (neck) which causes misalignments known as subluxations. These misalignments can wreak havoc on your entire body, because when the vertebrae are not aligned, it can dampen your brain to body communication system. When a nerve had pressure on it for many years it becomes damaged and starts to cause problems and pain. They key to reducing joint pain long term, is to adjust the cervical spine where vertebrae may be out of alignment. A chiropractor uses the chiropractic adjustment to manipulate the spine back into optimal alignment, which takes the pressure off the nerves which then allows the nervous system to function at its best ability.

Chiropractic neck adjustments are a safe and effective way to treat neck pain

If you are interested in a chiropractic evaluation, call us at 515-278-9678 to schedule an appointment with one of our chiropractors.

5 FAQ’s about chiropractic

Why Should I Go to a Chiropractor?

It’s a common misconception that chiropractic only helps people with neck or back pain. Chiropractic is helpful for a wide variety of health problems. It helps improve nerve system function as a whole, which in turn, encourages the body to heal at it’s full potential.  Chiropractic is a conservative treatment that is effective and not only treating, but also preventing health issues.

Is Chiropractic Safe?

ABSOLUTELY! Chiropractic has an excellent safety record. It’s a conservative, all-natural approach to healthcare that avoids invasive procedures or addictive drugs.  Conservative care means to take a cautious, safe and moderate approach to treating a health issue. In fact, malpractice rates between chiropractors and other healthcare professionals are very different, our malpractice premiums are only a small fraction of the cost compared to those for medical doctors because what we do is so low risk. We treat ALL walks of life starting from pediatric to geriatric ages.  Our goal is to get you better and KEEP you healthy by preventing future health problems as a whole. After all, we are treating your whole nervous system to keep it running smoothly, not just your back.

What Causes that Popping Sound During an Adjustment?

We know that sometimes it can make people nervous at times however, the “popping, clicking or cracking” sound you hear during a chiropractic adjustment is nothing to be worried about. This sound is painless and completely harmless. It’s caused by natural gases in your body rushing in to fill the partial vacuum that’s created when your joints shift. It’s not an indicator of any problems. In fact, not all adjustments make a sound. A bone can shift back into position without creating any sound at all, with the same effects.

Can I Adjust Myself?

Please don’t! Your chiropractor has years of training, education and experience under their belt and is a pro at adjusting your spine safely, correctly and accurately. A chiropractic adjustment versus bending and twisting yourself certain ways to “crack your back” are very different things. Self manipulation can be counterproductive and sometimes dangerous, making an already unstable spine even worse. Your chiropractor does a thorough exam as well as x-rays to adjust you in a very specific way. Though it may not always feel different to you, we are using different parts of our hands to contact and isolate specific bones in your spine to make the proper corrections.

Are All Patients Adjusted the Same Way?

No. Every single person is different and has their own unique needs. At Yost Family Chiropractic our doctors evaluate and treat each person’s spine and symptoms in the way that suits that person best. Some people like the get hands on adjustments, while others prefer adjustments with a tool such as an activator or athrostim device. We develop an individual treatment plan that best addresses that specific patient’s concern.